

Federal Funds For Education And Related Programs

Summary: Federal funds for education, by level/educational purpose, agency, and program

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This database contains federal on-budget funds for education, by level/educational purpose, agency, and program.  Data are not available for programs in all years. Total federal spending, i.e., spending for all levels and purposes, all departments and agencies, and all programs is not available because research program spending at universities and related institutions has not yet been released. The data contains a number of explanatory notes.

Geographic Coverage: U.S.

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1965 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2023, February 28). Federal Funds For Education And Related Programs.
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Derived From: National Center for Education Statistics

Updated:  Feb. 28, 2023 Estimated next update: Feb. 28, 2025

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 All levels and purposes  Elementary/secondary education  Other education
 Postsecondary education  Research programs at universities and related institutions

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